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benefit of pistachio

Pistachios are prized for their unique, slightly sweet flavor as well as for their intriguing viridescent hues. Pistachios are one of the world’s oldest nuts, being grown in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are even mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, which indicates their rich history as a prized food source (American Pistachios, 2014). Like all nuts, pistachios are rich in beneficial nutrients. However, pistachios have some unique properties that set them apart. Their versatility means that you can eat pistachios alone as a snack, on top of a salad, mixed with dried fruits in trail mix, in baked goods, or as a crunchy coating for fish or meat. In addition to these distinctive traits, consider the following nutritional benefits of pistachios as an added perk to their particularly pleasant palate.


People have been eating pistachios -- those green, slightly sweet nuts -- for thousands of years.

Although most consider them a nut, pistachios are seeds from the pistachio tree. The kernels can have different colors, ranging from yellow to shades of green. They’re usually about an inch long and half an inch in diameter. But if you want to taste one, you’ll have to crack open its hard shell first. The pistachio tree originated in western Asia, and archaeologists believe pistachios became a food as early as 7,000 B.C. They came to the United States in the mid-19th century and commercial production began in the 1970s. California, Arizona, and New Mexico make up all of America’s commercial pistachio production. You can buy pistachios shelled or unshelled, roasted, or salted. They’re available in most grocery stores, and you can buy them in bulk from pistachio growers.


Pistachios are a Rich Protein Source

Most nuts contain large amounts of protein relative to their size, and pistachios are no exception. A 1-ounce serving of these nuts (approximately 49 pistachio kernels) contains 6 grams of protein (Self Nutrition Data, n.d.). Your body breaks this protein down into its constituent amino acids, which can be used to repair tissues or to create new molecules. Plus, eating protein-rich foods helps you feel satiated, reducing your cravings for unhealthy foods later on. This makes pistachios the perfect mid-afternoon snack.




pestachio pestachio pestachio

Pistachios are one of the oldest edible nuts and are commonly used all over the world. They are native to Asia, particularly in Iran and Iraq.


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